Allergic bronchitis treatment at Homeocare International

Allergic Bronchitis Treatment at Homeocare International

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Internal organs of the body are getting affected due to modern development and increasing pollution. One among them is respiratory problems and especially many people are facing bronchitis problems. When we breathe the air through nose enters trachea or wind pipe. The end of this trachea is divided into two tubes called bronchi. These by dividing into different sections and enters into our lungs and these further divided into thousands of smaller tubes. These are also called as bronchioles. These pipes again form as small round air sacs and these are called as alveoli. When the sensitive layers of these wind pipes gets damaged or irritated it leads to bronchitis.

When allergens enter our respiratory tubes these bronchi and other wind pipes gets irritated and lead to a condition called allergic bronchitis. People of all age groups can get affected with this. When the irritation in the bronchi is caused due to bacteria or virus it leads to non allergic bronchitis.

Allergic bronchitis treatment at Homeocare International


When allergens enter our respiratory tubes, our immune system overly reacts and leads to bronchitis.
Allergic bronchitis is also caused due to triggers like smoking, dust, pollution, contact with chemicals, animal dander, some allergic food items and also genetic factors.

Signs and symptoms

The main symptom of allergic bronchitis is cough, it can be both dry and wet cough. Breathlessness, in serious conditions it can also be life threatening. Few other symptoms include wheezing, weakness, chest pain, throat Pain, headache and in some cases the skin also turns into blue.


Based on the symptoms few tests like chest X-Ray, sputum test are suggested. In few cases a CT scan is recommended to know about the structure and functioning of lungs along with pulmonary function test (PFT) and other allergy tests.

Complications and side effects

In long run it can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), sever problem with breathing and lead to respiratory failure which can be life threatening.

Tips to control allergic bronchitis

By following few tips people can control allergic bronchitis like

  • Avoid contact with dust, pollution, chemicals and so on.
  • Cleaning your beds and bed sheets regularly.
  • Stay away from pets, smoking and other allergens.
  • By practising breathing exercises people can get relief.

Homeocare International

With the help of constitutional homeopathy method using homeopathy remedies and by improving immunity allergic bronchitis can be treated without any side effects. Homeocare International offers treatment based on symptoms, health history, complete physical examination and theory of individualisation. Homeocare International treats allergic bronchitis and also avoid reoccurrence of disease in the future.