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Common causes of Fertility Problems in Women

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Infertility is a more prevalent and a common problem than people realise, around 15 – 20 % of couples experience problems in conceiving. Infertility is not just a women’s problem both men and women are the causes . But in many a cultures, societies  and countries blame entirely on   female, infertility is found to a cause of social stigma in many couples leading to mental distress and is a potential contribution to depression and suicide. Recent studies show that women need more support and help in terms of emotional support and reassurance. Women causes account for around 40 to 60 percent of couples with infertility.infertility
Proper understanding of Infertility is a must before dealing with it. Infertility means inability to get pregnancy even after one year of trying  unprotected sex or unable to stay pregnant. Present day raise in stress with modern addictions like smoking, alcohol and obesity are some of the major factors responsible for infertility. Infertility has many number of causes as mentioned below.

The major causes and factors responsible for infertility in female are :

1)Age : Age plays a important role in Women’s fertility. Women’s fertility starts to decline after late 20s and fertility rates become low after 35 – 40 years of age.

2)Diseases of Ovaries : Like PCOD or previously injured and scarred ovary can fail to produce a egg. And problems with the quality of  the egg or failure to produce a mature egg, and problems in releasing of the egg.

3)Disease of fallopian tubes like tubal block, damaged tubes due to previous infections in pelvis or due to previous surgeries.

4)Hormonal Disorders: Many women due to hormone imbalances due to diseases of pituitary gland or thyroid gland diseases or other hormonal disorders (relating to levels of  Progesteron, Oestrogen, FSH, LH, Prolactin) can lead to anovulatory cycles causing Infertility.

5)Uterine problems like congenital malformations, bicornuate uterus, Endometriosis, fibroid in uterus or presence of a uterine polyp can cause problems in implantation of embryo leading to infertility.

6)Premature onset menopause is also a cause of  infertility in modern women.

7)Many genetic causes and mutations of genes have been known to cause infertility in women.

8)In some cases of infertility, causes of infertility is unknown and is called as unexplained infertility.

Homeocare International with vast clinical experience of treating thousands of couples suffering with infertility offers most effective and efficient online homeopathy treatment for infertility. As infertility is a multifactorial disease and requires constitutional treatment and Homeocare International is the First chain of Corporate clinics to start Constitutional Homeopathy and offers solutions to all female infertility and online male infertility treatment. Patient feed back from couple who received homeopathy treatment for infertility at Homeocare International suggest that 72 percent of them conceived with in 6months to one year of homeopathy treatment.