Effects of Stress on Thyroid People

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We all know that stress affects us in several ways, but do you know that stress aggravates your thyroid problem? Let us know a little about thyroid and how stress affects your thyroid problem.


Thyroid is a common problem seen in most of the people now a days. Thyroid gland produces essential hormones by utilising iodine from the food we eat and regulates metabolism. Abnormal functioning of thyroid gland or any abnormalities in thyroid gland leads to thyroid problems, which increases the risk of several problems like infertility, irregular menses, hair loss, sleeping disorders, vision problems and others. There are different types of thyroid like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, goiter and so on. Several factors like lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, lifestyle, hereditary, iodine deficiency, graves disease, pituitary gland malfunctioning and others affects the functioning of thyroid gland and leads to thyroid problems. Thyroid problems are seen in both men and women. Children can also get affected with thyroid problems and it leads to complications like slow growth rate, poor memory, concentration problems and several others. In long run thyroid also leads to other problems like dysphagia, hypertension, heart problems, ovarian cysts, osteoporosis, skin problems and also early menopause.

Stress effects

Everybody face stress at some point of their life and it is like a part of our life. Though stress is common, but excess stress levels adversely affects our health and leads to many problems. Stress plays crucial role in rising thyroid problems. Stress affects the functioning of adrenal glands and when these glands encounter stress, they release a hormone called cortisol. This hormone affects our bodily functions and also affects the production of thyroid hormones like thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Stress slows down your body’s metabolism and leads to weight gain problems. Stress triggers thyroid symptoms and causes complications.

You can eliminate the complications of stress and its effects on thyroid by following few health tips like

  • You can control stress by following few techniques like breathing exercises, meditation and so on.
  • Healthy diet plays crucial role in controlling stress. A balanced diet not only controls stress but also controls thyroid problems.
  • Get quality sleep and you feel relaxed. Enough sleep revitalises your body and gives you energy to tackle the stress.
  • Exercising helps to control stress by producing endorphins. Exercising also helps to maintain healthy body weight and controls thyroid problems.

Homeopathy Treatment for Thyroid

Homeopathy for thyroid works very effectively, it does not work by suppressing the symptoms of thyroid problems but treats the cause and provides good results. Thyroid treatment in homeopathy is suggested based on symptoms and individualisation theory. Natural remedies are used in homeopathy for thyroid problems, which are non toxic and safe. Thyroid treatment in homeopathy differs for each individual as it is based on the theory of individualisation. Homeocare International offers constitutional remedies for thyroid, which works by improving the functioning of thyroid gland. These remedies also stimulate body’s healing process. Homeopathy along with treating the thyroid problems also focuses on improving overall wellbeing.