Homeopathic Tips : Stress and Homeopathy

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Stress has become a part of everyday life in these modern times, and we commonly hear and say “I’m stressed out” and inability to cope with this stress is leading to increase in the number of chronic diseases and auto-immune diseases. Stress along with obesity has turned out to be the greatest risk factors for Heart Attacks, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Thyroid diseases.

Stress if present in mild to moderate levels helps us in coping with hectic schedules and helps us to stay focused. But present day performance & goal-oriented world is the main reason for high levels of stress, if this stress is prolonged for a long duration of time or is not kept under control it can lead to stress related disorders, depression and or anxiety disorders. If you are frequently getting irritated, feeling depressed or having difficulty in sleep and altered appetite, difficulty in concentration may be the signs of high levels of stress.

In present day every person experience high levels of stress at some point of there life, in this target oriented and goal driven world. Job stress is a leading and a major cause of stress related disorders, financial, domestic, trauma are the other leading reasons for high levels of stress.

As people started realizing that stress is having a great impact on their health and quality of life, they are looking for safer and effective ways to relive stress. Many a times stress can be controlled by simple measures and small changes in life style. Regular exercise, well balanced diet, good sleep will help you to keep stress in control. Planning your day and your professional targets to avoid any unexpected events resulting in stress. Do not carry your office work to home, and home and domestic stress to office. Have at-least 2 to 3 short breaks of 10 minutes each in between your work. Try to spend some time with your family and friends. Learn and practice relaxation techniques which help to control stress. Yoga and breathing exercise also helps in relieving your stress.

Homeopathy offers a safer, gentle and effective solution for stress, other psychological and anxiety related diseases. Homeopathy from the beginning believed in and gave importance to the psychological, emotional aspects of individual and considers them in selection of medicines for treatment of almost all the diseases.

Homeocare International from its inception with the motive of helping the huge number of young professionals facing stress and suffering with stress related disorders have done extensive research and combined its experience with latest formulas to provide safest and most effective treatments. At Homeocare International complete case taking is done according to the classical guidelines framed by Founder of Homeopathy and a Constitutional approach is followed and a person is treated in a holistic approach. Patient feedback and our studies show that considerable percentage of patients suffering with stress/ anxiety related disorders showed good improvement in symptoms and were happy with improved quality of life.