Homeopathy Treatment: A Better Option for Back Pain

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Are you suffering from severe back pain and tired of going for conventional treatments? Then, Homeopathy is the better option and provides easy relief from back problems without any side effects. Back pain especially lower back pain is the most commonly heard complaint now a days. Almost every individual experience back pain or about 90% of people experience it once in their life time. Problems with spine bones, joints, disc, muscles and ligaments can lead to back pain. A sudden movement or lifting heavy objects in a wrong position can lead to lower back pain and it can range from dull ache to severe stabbing pain. It can ruin your day to day activities and productivity and it is one among the top reasons for taking breaks from work. It adversely influence individuals overall health, it can even root to other mental disorders like depression, anxiety and irritability. People with lower back pain confront several symptoms like numbness in legs, excessive sweating, high fever and Groin numbness. Few people also face chest pain and abdominal pain.

Why is back pain so common?

Back pain has become very common due to several factors like life style, long working hours, repetitive movements, sitting in wrong posture, sport injuries, lifting or moving heavy loads in a wrong way etc. Chronic low back pain is provoked and become common due to physical inactivity jobs. Continuous sitting throughout the day or for long duration increases pressure on spine and makes you more prone to back problems. Back pain is becoming more common due to the sedentary jobs.

Causes of backache?

Short term backache can be caused due to stress, strain, heavy work load, excess workouts, wearing high heels, long driving and poor posture. This type of back pain heals itself within few days. Whereas chronic backache is caused due to several factors like

  • Slipped disc
  • Sciatica
  • Disc injuries
  • Muscle and ligament injuries
  • Skeletal irregularities
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ankylosing spodylosis
  • Degenerative disc diseases
  • Facet joint dysfunction
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Heavy lifting jobs
  • Spine cancers and other diseases
  • Nutrient deficiency

Individuals can manage back pain by following techniques like yoga, exercises, controlling weight, avoiding high heel foot wear, changing your mattress and also by correcting your posture.

Homeopathy For Low Backache

Homeopathy treatment for back pain works effectively and eases your pain within short period without any adverse reactions. It uses natural remedies for back pain problems and eliminates the root causes. Treatment for back pain is prescribed after careful examination of symptoms and also based on the individualisation theory. Homeocare International offers exclusive treatment for individuals and eliminates the pain and discomfort. Expert doctors at Homeocare International examine every individual carefully and offer most suitable treatment and provide long lasting results. We not just focus on single health problem, instead we aim to improve overall wellbeing by improving your immunity system and self healing mechanism of your body.