How Smoking effects on your Family

How Smoking effects on your Family?

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Effects of smoking

Smoking is extremely harmful for our health. Smoking is one of the leading causes of death. Smoking gives pleasurable emotions by lifting up mood, it may also treat depression and stress. This is all because of a substance named nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive drug which makes you get addictive and also makes it difficult to get rid of it. Smoking leads to many chronic health illnesses and also effect overall wellbeing of individuals. Smoking leads to hypertension, respiratory problems, heart attack, cardiovascular diseases, bronchitis, infertility, cancers and so on. Smoking also damages mouth and throat and leads to bad breath and gum diseases. Smoking weakens immunity and makes you susceptible to many diseases and infections. Smoking also increases cholesterol levels in our body and also leads to type 2diabetes. In people with asthma the smoke enters into the body, settles in the lining of airways and triggers asthma attack. Along with the above smokers in the early stages face many short term symptoms like yellow teeth, bad breath, smelling like smoke, breathing disorders, stomach ulcers and so on.

How Smoking effects on your Family

Health complications of family

Smoking not only affects you but also affects your family and people around you. The people around you also suffer from health complications by inhaling second hand smoke. Second hand smoke is the combination of exhale, mainstream and side stream stroke. It is more dangerous than the smoke inhaled by the smokers. Second hand smoke contains the same chemicals present in the first hand smoke along with the chemicals present in exhaled mainstream stroke. Smoking around family members increase their risk of many diseases like cough, shortness of breath, asthma, infections, bronchitis and also heart diseases. When parents especially conceived women smoke it also affects their unborn baby. Children whose parents smoke are also at an increased risk of becoming smokers.

If you want to protect your family from these chronic diseases, it is very important to take positive step and quit smoking even though it is hard.

Homeopathy Treatment helps to Quit Smoking

Homeopathy remedies reduces craving for nicotine and helps in quick recovery. Homeopathic remedies are natural, safe and have no side effects. Homeopathy treatment not just focuses on one single problem but aims to improve overall wellbeing. Homeopathy treatment improves self healing process of the body by improving immunity. Homeopathic treatment is different for each individual as it mainly depends on the symptoms and theory of individualization.