How to Cure Sore Throat – Causes, Symptoms and Medication

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Sore throat is a condition that causes irritation in the throat, cold, cough, redness, swelling and pain. Sore throat can be very sickening for the person and it is worse than running a temperature. In fact, a sore throat is a type of the body’s mechanism to warn the body of a possible infection caused by a virus or bacteria. It is a part of the body’s defense mechanism to tell that there is something wrong. It is often times considered as a symptom more than a disorder by itself by physicians.

Causes of sore throat

Sore throat can be caused for various causes. It is the first symptom of the onset of any type of illness. Fevers, cold, flu, cough, tonsillitis and more serious ones, like brain fever, meningitis, often start with a sore throat. There are many more illnesses which start with sore throat initially. The disease could be much more serious in nature. It is also caused by lifestyle habits, such as smoking, and having an allergic reaction to dust and smoke.

Symptoms of sore throat

Sore throat typically starts with redness in the throat. The first tangible symptom is itchiness which turns into a sore pain later. On examination by the doctor, it is found that the skin of the inner throat is red along with a swelling. Moreover a patient feels pain when he or she swallows something. Engorged tonsils are also a sign of sore throat. Below are some symptoms of Sore Throat:

  • Red and swollen tonsils
  • Enlarged and tender glands in your neck
  • A Painful, tender feeling on the throat
  • Discomfort when swallowing
  • A high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or over
  • Muscles ache
  • A headache
  • Tiredness
  • A cough
  • A runny nose

Homeopathy medication for sore throat

Homeopathy is a great form of treatment for sore throat that causes no symptoms and provides relief at the same time. Homeopathic medications are often efficacious in treating the acute symptoms of a sore throat, though professional constitutional care is normally necessary to cure chronic recurring sore throats. Kids with much annoyance from a sore throat or those who experience trouble opening their mouth or swallowing should receive a culture to see if they have strep.