Kidney Infections

Major problems with Kidney Infections

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Kidney Infections Causes

Kidney infection or pyelonephritis is a common form of urinary tract infections (UTI). When bacteria called E.Coli enters at urethra or bladder and travels up to kidneys, it leads to a serious problem called kidney infections. People with kidney infections face symptoms like fever, chills, fatigue, abdominal cramps, painful urination, back pain and so on. Women and children are at an increased risk of developing kidney infections than men as in women the urethra is closer to anus.


Kidney infections are mainly caused due to bacteria. This bacteria enters bladder and reaches kidneys which lead to infections. In few other rare cases bacteria in the body enters the body fluids and reaches kidneys which further leads to kidney infections. Few other factors which increase the risk and leads to kidney infections are

  • Gender i.e. women are at an increased risk of kidney infections
  • Conditions that obstruct urinary tract like kidney stones and enlarged prostate gland (prostatitis)
  • Usage of urinary catheter
  • Abnormalities in urinary tract
  • Damaged nerves around the bladder

Kidney Infections

Major health issues with Kidney Infections

Kidney infection which is also called as renal infection, is a serious health issue which need to be diagnosed and treated immediately. When left untreated kidney infection can lead to serious and chronic health complications and can also be life threatening some times. Few severe health complications of kidney infection are

  • Kidney abscess (formation of pus in kidney tissues)
  • Kidney scarring
  • Kidney failure
  • Septicaemia (condition where bacteria spread from kidneys to body fluids)
  • EPN (emphysematous pyelonephritis, where kidney tissues are destroyed)
  • In conceived women kidney infections may lead to premature labour and birth.

Though one cannot completely eliminate the bladder infections, but by taking few precautionary steps one could easily control infections and stay healthy. Here are few health tips for kidney infections

  • Drink plenty of fluids and be hydrated, you can eliminate bacteria through urine.
  • Don’t stop or wait, urinate when you feel an urge
  • Urinate after intercourse and clean yourself properly
  • After bowel movement wipe anus from front to back.
  • Avoid using any cosmetic products like deodorants and others on your genital area
  • Eat plenty of fibre and avoid constipation, as constipation can trigger UTI


Homeopathy treatment for kidney infections works efficiently and also treats UTI’s. Kidney infection treatment in homeopathy is safe and do not have any side effects. Homeopathy uses natural remedies extracted from plants, vegetables and other natural minerals which are non toxic. Homeopathy treatments for kidney infections are prescribed based on the symptoms and theory of individualization. Homeopathy treatment not just focuses on kidney infections but also improves immunity and aims at overall wellbeing of individuals. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides health tips to control kidney infections occurrences and severity. These kidney infection overcome tips helps in quick recovery and also treats the symptoms.