Reasons of Asthma Attacks in the Night

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Asthma is a chronic lung disorder where people face breathing problems due to inflamed air ways. The air ways or bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs becomes inflamed or swollen due to several factors like allergies, cold weathers, virus, Bacteria, cold, flu, pollution and several other factors. When these air ways gets inflamed, they become sensitive and produce excess mucus which further narrows the air ways. People with Asthma face several symptoms like coughing, wheezing, tightness in the chest, breathlessness and so on. Factors like stress, smoking, pneumonia, intense exercises can also trigger asthma symptoms.

Why Asthma Attacks in the night?

People with asthma face asthma attack at night time due to several reasons like cold weather and physical factors. At night times the weather turns cool and the cool weather increase the risk of Asthma attack. Here are few conditions which lead to asthma attack during night times

  • Cold breeze– Due to cold breeze at night times asthmatics fail to warm their breath before reaching lungs. The cold breeze and dry air irritates the bronchial tubes and causes inflammation.
  • Physical factors– While sleeping, our airways normally gets narrow and people also face increased drainage from sinuses at night times which also triggers attack.
  • Allergies– At night people are also at an increased risk of exposure to allergens which can also lead to asthma attack. Staying indoors, being with pets increase the risk of allergens like dust, mold, dander and so on.
  • Reclining position– At night time’s people rest in reclining position which can also trigger the risk of asthma attack.

Type of Asthma that gets worst at night times is called “nocturnal asthma”. Asthmatics face breathing difficulties, chest tightness and wheezing especially at night times and also in the early mornings due to cold weather. Asthmatics should be careful during cold seasons like monsoon and winter.

Warning signs of Asthma Attack

People with asthma face few early signs before asthma attack like

  • Severe cough
  • Face breathlessness
  • Feel tired and week
  • Wheezing and coughing especially after exercising
  • Faces trouble sleeping
  • Chest tightness

Though these early symptoms may not be severe, but asthmatics should not avoid or neglect these early symptoms and should also take precautionary steps to prevent the attack.

Homeopathy Treatment for Asthma

Homeopathy treatment for asthma works effectively by controlling the inflammation of bronchial tubes and also by preventing excess formation of mucus. Homeopathy for asthma uses natural remedies extracted from natural substances. These homeopathic remedies are safe, non toxic and also are free from side effects. Asthma treatment in homeopathy is offered based on the symptoms, past health history and also based on the theory of individualization. Asthma treatment in homeopathy is safe and suitable for all age groups. Homeopathy treatment for asthma not just focuses on treating the symptoms but aims to treat the root cause of the problem to avoid re-occurrence of the disease. Homeopathy not just treats asthma but also improves immunity and prevents other illnesses.