Type 2 Diabetes effects to Children?

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In the past years cases of children with type 2 diabetes and doctors also believed that children only get type 1diabetes. Hence for long time it was also mentioned as juvenile diabetes.

But in recent years according to CDC, approximately 208,000 young people of below age 20 are affected with this diabetes including both the types i.e. type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Here is the complete information about type 2 diabetes one should know.

Type 2 diabetes

Most of the people might have heard diabetes and high glucose levels referred together. Because our digestive system converts carbohydrates into glucose, this glucose is carried from body fluids into different cells in the body by a hormone called as insulin which is produced by pancreas. And this glucose is used as energy for our regular activities.

Where as in type 2diabetes, cells in children’s body do not respond properly to the insulin produced which leads to rise in glucose levels. This condition of cells not responding to the insulin is treated as insulin resistance. When glucose levels in body increases it may also lead to several diseases like heart diseases, blindness and also kidney disorders.

Risk factors of Type 2 diabetes

Few risk factors of type 2 diabetes in children include

  • Gender i.e. girls
  • Genetic and family history of diabetes
  • Health conditions like insulin resistance

Heavy weight is the main cause of type 2 diabetes in children. Heavy weight children are at an increased risk of diabetes. Few things which indirectly lead to weight gain and obesity

  • Lack of exercise and physical activity
  • Family history

When compared to elder people, young people who are overweight are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Children in the beginning stages may not have symptoms, but develop slowly. Here are few symptoms

  • Increased appetite
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased thirsty (polydipsia)
  • Vision problems
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • Slow healing of injuries and cuts
  • Numb and tingling sensation in hands and feet.