Homeopathy Controls Polio Disorders without Side Effects

What is Polio and how does it affect the Body?

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Polio is also called as poliomyelitis, it is an infantile paralysis caused due to polio virus. It is a contagious disease which spread from one person to another. There are two types of polio, they are non paralytic polio and paralytic polio.

Symptoms and causes of polio


Most of the people with polio may not experience any early symptoms, but in few cases people with non paralytic polio may experience symptoms like

  • Fever
  • Weakness or tiredness
  • Headache
  • Sore throat, pain and stiffness in neck (meningitis)
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal and limbs pain

People with Paralytic polio may face paralysis in brain, spinal cord and so on. The symptoms of paralytic polio include severe pain in muscles, loose limbs and so on.

Homeopathy Controls Polio Disorders without Side Effects


Polio is an infectious disease, it is caused due to several factors like

  • Coming in contact with infected person faces
  • Through contaminated food and water
  • Cough and sneeze of infected person
  • Toys and other objects can also transmit polio when it contact with infected feces

Risk factors of Polio

Few risk factors of polio include

  • Traveling to infected area
  • Staying close with infected persons
  • Low immunity
  • Tonsillectomy (removal of tonsills)

What are the short and long term effects of polio

In few cases, polio may not lead to severe health complications and may only need few treatments, few long term affects which needs treatment include

  • Weak and shrinking muscles
  • Muscle paralysis
  • Deformities of legs, feet, ankle and hips.

In few cases polio lead to permanent paralysis, it cannot be controlled or treated by prescriptions and physical therapy.

What are the effects of polio in children?

Children are at an increased risk of developing polio. Polio in children may lead to paralysis, breathing problems and also in few rare cases leads to death. In children the virus may affect leg muscles and other muscles.

Why is it important to give polio drops or Polio vaccination?

Polio drops and polio vaccines help to eliminate the serious disease. Getting polio vaccine and polio drops are very important to avoid polio as there is no cure for polio. Polio vaccine and polio drops are must for children, it is also included in vaccination pro-gramme of children as it improves immunity and helps to eliminate polio.

Homeopathy treatment for polio

Homeopathy treatment for polio works very well. Homeopathic remedies for polio are made of natural substances extracted from plants, vegetables and other natural minerals. Homeopathy treatment is safe, non toxic and have no side effects. Homeopathy treatment improves immunity and avoids growth of polio. Homeopathy treatment is different for each individual as they are prescribed based on the symptoms and theory of individualization. Homeopathy treatment not just focuses on treating polio but also aims at overall wellbeing of the individuals. Homeopathy treatment for polio is mild and suitable for all age groups from children to elders.