Why hair fall takes place in winter?

Why Hair Fall takes Place in Winter?

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Excessive Hair loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by many people now days due to several reasons. In general daily we tend to lose 50 to 100 hairs, if you lose more than 100 hairs daily it is treated as excessive hair loss. Now a day’s even children are also facing hair loss problems due to several physical, environmental factors. In excessive hair shedding people may face baldness and due to hair thinning scalp may be visible in few people. Hair loss can be caused due to several factors like unhealthy diet, lack of nutrition, pollution, environmental factors, stress, dandruff, excess usage of chemical products, hair styling’s, scalp infections, thyroid disorders, several treatments like chemotherapy and also due to weather changes like monsoon and winter.

Why hair fall takes place in winter?

Hair fall in winter

People usually face excess hair loss during weather changes. In winter season people face excess hair shedding than other seasons. Changes in weather have adverse affects on hair and scalp especially during winters. Cold weather, dry air and pollution in winter leads to several hair and scalp problems which further leads to hair loss. Due to dry air people face scalp infections like dandruff and others which weaken hair follicles and leads to hair loss. In winter our hair becomes dry due to cold weather. Dry hair is more likely to fall off. During cold weather in winter season most of the people prefer caffeine products, this excess intake of caffeine also leads to hair shedding. Usage of chemical products, excess hair styling’s and tight pony’s further worsens hair loss. Hair loss can also be due to dehydration which is faced by most of the people during winter. Along with the above factors, stress also plays crucial role in hair loss in most of the cases.

Few tips to control hair fall in winter

In order to control excess hair shedding in winter it is very vital to take superior care of your hair as well as scalp. Avoiding chemical products, getting hot oil massages, eating healthy diet, controlling caffeine products, avoid smoking, controlling scalp infections, avoiding hair styling, being hydrated, controlling stress and so on helps in controlling hair loss in winter. Taking care of your hair particularly in winter may not help to control hair fall instead you need to take care of your hair in all the seasons.

Homeopathy treatment for hair loss

Homeopathy treatment for hair loss is very useful in treating several hair and scalp related problems. Homeopathy treatment for hair loss aims to eliminate the problem by treating the root causes of the problem like scalp infections, thyroid disorders, PCOD, dandruff and so on. Homeopathy for hair loss is safe as it uses natural remedies which are non toxic and have no side effects. Hair loss treatment in homeopathy differs from each individual as it is prescribed based on the symptoms, severity and theory of individualization. Homeopathy revitalizes hair, prevents hair fall and also assist in regrowth.