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Homeopathy and Principles of Homeopathy

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Every science has certain basic guiding principles. Homeopathy as a science of medical treatment has a philosophy of its own and its therapeutics which is based on certain fundamental principles which are quite distinct and different from those of other schools of medical science. These fundamental principles are Formulated and published by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, Founder of Homeopathy and has based the whole science of Homeopathy on these principles.

All the Principles of Homeopathy have been successful in all the times and are Time Tested Principles which guide and direct Homeopathy Doctors to solve the innumerable diseases effectively and permanently. Hahnemann formulated all these principles based on accurate Scientific observations and has verified them on many healthy and sick people, so that the fundamentals of  Homeopathy are very Strong.Homeopathy

Law of Similar – “Similia Similibus Curenter” is a law which means “like cures like”. It is the First Law of Homeopathy. Complete science of Homeopathy is based on this law, which means that a substance capable of producing a disease symptoms can cure the same set of symptoms in diseased individuals. It is a basic law of therapeutic method of symptom similarity. This law was mentioned even in ancient Hindu Manuscripts and Hippocrates, considered to be the father of Western Medicine also mentioned this law several times in his writings. But none of them previous to Hahnemann had applied it seriously to develop it into a therapeutic system, it was Hahnemann for the first time used this law and studied it well and experimented for long time to build a System of therapeutics which is most amazing system of healing. The same law is the principle behind vaccinations, where small amount of inactive diseases causing agent is given to create immunity towards the disease caused by the same Disease causing agent.

Law Of Minimum: Under this principle Hahnamann has instructed to give very minute doses of the medicines to the patients, which should be sufficient to stimulate the immune system and to have a gentle remedial effect, to remove all the toxic and side effects of the drugs. A new method in preparation of medicines was discovered known as Potentization, which helps in increasing the curative properties of drug as well removes the side effects of drugs.

Law of Drug Proving: Hahanemann was the first person to insist on and carried out drug proving to know the true effects & action of various drugs on human beings. He postulated
a scientific systemic investigation of various effects of medicines on healthy human beings of various  age groups and both genders to gain a complete knowledge of drug powers.

homeopathic-medicineLaw of Individualisation: According to this Law Homeopathic medicines are to be prescribed only after studying a person completely including his temperaments and the constitution. Different persons suffering with same disease can get different drugs basing on there constitution and Temperament. This law emphasises that “ No two individuals are alike” and so requires a different Medicines even if suffering with same disease.

All the above Laws are even through framed two centuries back and can seem to be traditional principles they are still applicable & have stand to the test of time. Mastering all these laws and applying them is the only way to cure a Disease by Homeopathy.