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What is Allergy and how is it caused?

If you feel a constant urge to cough and sneeze, which persists for a long time, even without any particular cause or disease, you might be suffering from allergies. Allergies consist of a number of medical conditions that are a result of a hypersensitive immune system. This is mostly due to the presence of and contact with various harmless substances or irritants in the external environment.

The causes may range from common allergens such as pollen and certain foods to metal objects, insect stings, and even certain medications.

Now let us look at the different types of allergies and their symptoms, causes. We will also discover how homeopathy adopts a holistic and natural approach towards curing such allergies.

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  • Hay Fever
  • Food Allergies
  • Drug Allergies
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Allergic Asthma
  • Latex Allergy
  • Dust Allergy
  • Pet Allergy
  • Mold Allergy
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Skin Allergy
  • Sinus Infection

Does Allergy affect everyone?

Yes. Allergy may affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender, race and ethnicity. However, children are much more prone to having allergies than adults. In most cases, allergies recede as the years pass, but they may even re-occur years later.

Symptoms of Allergy:

  • Runny nose
  • Stuffed nose
  • Sneezing
  • Headache
  • Rashes
  • Fatigue
  • Fever and chills
  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent coughing
  • Feeling of nausea and vomiting

Causes of Allergy:

  • Latex
  • Genetics
  • Stress
  • Insect stings
  • Wide variety of foods
  • Certain Medications
  • Toxins that interact with proteins
  • Smoke, dust and chemical irritants
  • Metallic suspensions in air

Homeopathy Treatment for Allergy:

Allergy treatment in homeopathy approaches the disorder in a holistic and constitutional manner. In constitutional homeopathy therapy, the individual is the main focus, not the disease. It understands the different aspects that constitute a human being. Taking all these factors – social, psychological, and emotional – into concern, it attempts to remove the root cause and underlying trigger of diseases.

At Homeocare International, our passionate homeopaths take the same approach towards allergy treatment . They first conduct an in-depth examination of different factors including your genetic makeup, medical records, family history, and any emotional or psychological tendencies – to formulate effective remedies that provide long-term relief from allergies.

These remedies are safe, natural and reliable methods that cause no pain and have zero side-effects. Moreover, they fix any hormonal and immunity imbalances, and other stress-related disorders that may be responsible for allergy symptoms.

Our treatment has received overwhelming responses from thousands of men and women. They have followed our remedies to regain their natural and beautiful skin and healthy, functioning organs, free from any allergic disorders. These remedies have enabled them to reclaim control over their health and overall wellbeing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of the allergies aren’t life-threatening and can be resolved with proper treatment. However, in cases of severe allergies, one may suffer from anaphylaxis, which is life-threatening. This can lead to various breathing difficulties, light-headedness and dizziness. In such cases, immediate medical help is required.
Allergies can create many complications if not treated properly. In severe and emergency cases, they may lead to increased heart rate, sudden narrowing of airways and even swelling in mouth and tongue.
When it comes to infants and younger children, they are most prone to skin allergies. These may range from eczema and skin rashes to contact dermatitis and hives.
Allergy treatment in homeopathy deals with treating the underlying threats and disorders that manifest as allergies. The remedies prescribed are all safe, natural, painless and free from any ugly side-effects. They go deep into the system and reverse any signs and symptoms of allergies. They help in restoring normal body functions and a healthy skin.


Homeopathy Treatment for Allergy in Telangana

Homeopathy Treatment for Allergy in Andhrapradesh

Homeopathy Treatment for Allergy in Karnataka

Homeopathy Treatment for Allergy in Tamilnadu

***Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person